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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word drive:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
drive (comp .) : pemacu
drive (drayp) drive in golf
drive (e .g . cattle) : menggiring
drive , herd along : giringlah
drive , herd along ; tiny bells ; a kind of tree : giring
drive 1 perjalanan . 2 jalan raya . 3 kampanye , gerakan . 4 Sport . : pukulan . 5 persneling . 6 jalan mobil ( DRIVEMAY) .7 perangsang . 8 serangan / serbuan pembasmian . 9 gerakan . 1 mengendarai . 2 naik mob .
drive : buat
drive : desak
drive : disetir
drive : dorongan
as gardan drive shaft
attendant ; thread for spinning ; drive belt : kelindan
automatic otomatis . a . drive setir otomatis
belt drive : pemacu tali sawat
bendek ,bendeks (Auto) starter drive pinion .

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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