
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word live:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
live , alive : hiduplah
live : bermastautin
live : bernyawa
live : diam
live : hidup
live : hidupi
live : langsung
live : menghidupkan
live : tinggal
live ; life ; living : hidup
aboveground , kk . diatas (permukaan) tanah . a . grave mound tumpukan kuburan diatas tanah . Some snakes live a . Beberapa macam ular hidup diatas permukaan tanah .
air 1 udara . planes in the a . pesawat terbang di udara . 2 udara , hawa . fresh a . udara segar . 3 udara , angin . I cant live on a . Saya tidak dapat hidup dari angin (saja) . 4 suasana . There is an a . of .
alir 1 . ideology . 2 . smooth . 3 . a line with live bait (to catch crocodiles)
apart berpisahan . The couple decided to live a . Pasangan itu memutuskan untuk hidup berpisahan . a . from 1 selain daripada . 2 terlepas . to stand a . menyendiri . That house stand a . from the others Rumah i
armed forces base ; stay , live : markaz

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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