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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word driver:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
driver 1 supir , pengemudi , tukang setir , pengendara . 2 Golf : alat pemukul bola golf yang ujungnya terbuat dari kayu untuk pukulan jauh . 3 poros penggerak . 4 mandor .
driver : pemacu ; penghentak pemandu
driver : sopir
driver : supir
driver stage : peringkat pemacu
driver-away , chaser away : penghalau
drivers , guides : pemandu-pemandu
bahan-bakar penggerak driver fuel
becak : pedicab , tricycle . BER- : ride a pedicab . BER-_-_-AN : going here and there in a pedicab . TUKANG : : pedicab driver .
bemo (becak bermotor) 1 k .o samall motorized vehicle used for public transportation . 2 work as a driver of this vehicle
bus driver : sopir bis
conscription officer , recruiter ; slave driver ; announcer : pengerah
guide ; driver : pemandu
halau : expel s .o . MENG-(-KAN) : 1 . chase away , drive away . 2 . drive , herd . PENG- : driver , herder , drover . PENG--AN : 1 . driving , chasing , expelling . 2 . herding .
kandar meng-kandar(kan) operate a vehicle . peng-kandar driver , operator .

Indonesian dictionary

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