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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word trip:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
trip , travel , roaming , roving , journey from place to place : pengembaraan
trip 1 perjalanan . 2 Sl . : melawat ke alam mimpi / khayal (LSD) . (tripped) 1 menyebabkan tersandung . 2 menjegal / mengait kaki (s .o) . 3 menjebloskan . 1 tersandung . 2 membuat kekeliruan
trip : khayalan
trip : memerangkap
trip : meyandung
trip : pelayaran
trip : pelentik
trip : pemergian
trip : perjalanan
trip : tersandung
anjangkarya field trip ,study tour .
approval izin , restu , persetujuan . You have my a . to go on the trip Saudara mendapat izin saya untuk perjalanan itu . on a . sebagai percobaan . She took the typewriter on a . Ia mengambil mesin tik sebagai pe .
bepergian go on a trip , travel .
blase bosan , teledor . She was b . about her round-the-world trip Ia bosan akan perjalanannya keliling dunia .
bontot : bontot1 : rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home MEM- : bring food on trip -AN : 1 . s .t wrapped (in cloth , etc .) for carrying , (cloth) bundle , 2 . food for journey bontot2 : youngest (child) .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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