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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word rip:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
rip , tear : carik
rip , tear : carik-carik
rip , tear : koyakkan
rip , tear : koyakkanlah
rip , tear : koyaklah
rip , tear : mencarik
rip , tear : siat
rip , tear it up : mengoyak-ngoyaknya
rip 1 robekan , sobekan (in s .t .) . 2 renggutan . (ripped) menyobek .
rip : dirobek
belah : 1 crack , gap , crevice . 2 half , cut in half . 3 side . SE- : 1 one half . 2 beside . 3 in the direction of . 4 part . MEM- : 1 split , cleave , rip apart . 2 cut through , take a short-cut across . -AN : 1 split , crack , cut . 2 splinter , fra
berkuak 1) open , give way to make an opening . 2) widen , become enlarged (of a hole , rip , etc .) .
cabik : 1 . torn , ripped . 2 . piece , strip . MEN- : repeatedly tear at . MEN-(-KAN) : 1 . rip . 2 . lacerate . TER- : 1 . be torn . 2 . shredded . PEN--AN : laceration .
cabir long rip or tear . ber-cabir-an in tatters , in shreds .
coleng men-coleng hold up , steal by force , rip off . pen-coleng thief .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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