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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word treaty:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
treaty (j . -ties) perjanjian , pakta .
treaty : ikatan perjanjian
treaty : pakatan
treaty : perjanjian
treaty : persetiaan
treaty : persetujuan
treaty : persetujuan yang telah di tanda?-tangani , perjanjian , persetiaan .
treaty : triti
abrogation pencabutan , pembatalan , penghapusan . a . of a treaty pencabutan perjanjian .
bilateral dua belah pihak , timbal-balik , bilateral . b . treaty persetujuan bilateral .
bipartite mengenai dua orang , dua pihak , dua negara dsb . b . treaty perjanjian antara dua negara .
clause in a treaty , law or contract : fasal .
commingle kki . bergaul , bercampur . The two countries commingled nicely in their commercial treaty Kedua negeri itu bergaul dengan baik dalam perjanjian perdagangan mereka . -commingling kb . percampuran , pergaula .
expire kki . 1 berakhir , habis waktunya . The policy has expired Polis itu telah berakhir . 2 (die) meninggal . -expired ks . daluwarsa (of a policy , treaty , contract) .
membuat perjanjian conclude a treaty

Indonesian dictionary

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