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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word treat:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
treat , act towards : perlakukanlah
treat , do to ; approve ; fulfill : memperlakukan
treat , do to you : memperlakukanmu
treat , medicate , nurse : merawat
treat , medicate : rawat
treat 1 sesuatu yang menyenangkan . 2 sungguhan . 1 memperlakukan . 2 merawat (a cut) . 3 menghilangkan . 4 mengobati . 5 mentraktir . 6 membeicarakan tentang . membayar , mentraktir .
treat : belanja
treat : membelanjai
treat : memikirkan
treat : memperlakukan
a kind of ice treat : ais kepal
alat : instrument , tool , device , equipment . MENG--I : equip s .o . with . MENG--KAN , MEMPER- : manipulate , treat or use as an instrument . PER--AN : 1 instrumentation . 2 equipment , tools .
anak : a child or offspring or descendant ; a small version of . MEMPER--KAN : 1 bear , bive birth to . 2 treat as o .'s own child . MEMPER-_-_-KAN : treat like a little child . KE-_-_-AN : childish , child-like . _-_-AN : doll .
angka : 1 figure , numeral , digit . 2 rate . 3 mark , grade . ANGKA-ANGKA : 1 number . 2 statistics , figures . MENG--KAN : 1 mark , grade (exams , etc .) . 2 mark , number . MEMPER--KAN : treat as numbers . PENG--AN : numbering . PER--AN : statistics .
assume , consider , regard ; treat as if : anggaplah

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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