
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word such:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
such 1 seperti itu , serupa itu . 2 sungguh , begitu , betul-betul , amat , sekali . 3 sedemikian , yang demikian . -kg . 1 demikian . 2 begitu .
such : begini , begitu .
such : demikian
such a : sebagai
such as : sebagai
such as : seperti
such as : seperti ; seumpama
anggapan 1 . 1) opinion , belief . 2) judgment . 3) suspicion , hunch , impression . 2 . such an invitation (by a nod) to dance or drink .
as , such as ; big box , small cistern : bak
ataupun yang nor such as
bahasa : 1 language . 2 speech . BER- : speak (such and such a language) . MEM--KAN , MEMPER--KAN : express in language .
begitu : 1 like that . 2 so , very (in superlative sense) . 3 just at the moment , coincident with . -LAH : such , so it is , that is the case . -PUN : 1 likewise , and so , also . 2 in spite of . SE- : like that . MEM--KAN : treat s .o . like that .
berseloka recite or compose such a poem
bersilat 1 engage in such self-defense . 2 mime the actions of self-defense
bersolat perform such ritual prayers

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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