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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word sue:Hear the English word audio
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sue menggugat , menuntut . to s . for divorce menuntut / minta cerai . 1 menuntut , menggugat . 2 memohonkan . to s . for peace memohonkan perdamaian .
suede kulit lemah / lunak . s . jacket jaket kulit
suet : lemak ginjal
suet gemuk . lemak 89yang terdapat di sekitar panggul dan buah punggung sapi dan domba)
adu 1 compete . 2 1) complain about , 2) sue , bring legal action . 3) inform , squeal , tell on , report . 3 . sleep (of royalty) .
apposition keterangan tambahan , (seperti my sister dalam kalimat Sue , my sister , was married last week Sue , adik perempuan saya , kawin minggu yang lalu) .
charge , sue ; claim ; criticize : gugat
charge , sue ; claim ; criticize : menggugat
charge , sue ; claim ; criticize him : menggugatnya
dakwa : charge , accusation , indictment . BER- : litigate . MEN- : 1 accuse , charge . 2 sue . -AN : accusation .
libel fitnah , pencemaran nama . to sue for l . menuntut karena memfitnah . memfitnah(kan) .
mengadu 1 . 1) pit . 2) bump , hit (o .s head) . 3) contest . 2 . 1) complain about . 2) sue , bring legal action . 3) inform , squeal , tell on , report .
menggugat sue
menuntut 1 demand . 2 prosecute , sue . 3 strive for .
slander fitnah , umpat , jujat . to sue for s . menuntut karena memfitnah . memfitnah , mengumpat . He felt that he had been slandered Ia merasa telah kena fitnah .

Indonesian dictionary

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