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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word suka:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
suka 1 happiness , joy , pleasure . 2 like , be fond of . 3 be willing , would like . 4 be apt to .
suka : 1 happiness , joy , pleasure . 2 like , be fond of . SE--NYA : just as one pleases , whatever one likes . MENY--I : to like , to love (s .t .) . KE--AN : 1 joy , pleasure . 2 s .t . one is fond of , a hobby . -AN : 1 sweetheart . 2 favorite . --CIT
suka : eager
suka : fond
suka : glad
suka : happy
suka : like , like doing .
suka : quarter
suka : rather
suka akan take delight in
abhorrence : kebencian , perasaan tidak suka akan .
accommodating : suka menolong
accommodating peramah , baik hati , suka menolong .
action 1 tindakan , aksi . 2 gerak . 3 kekuatan . 4 tenaga . a man of a . orang yg suka bertindak . --actions j . 1 tindak-tanduk , tingkah-laku . His actions are those of a child Tindak-tanduknya seperti kanak-ka .
adore 1 memuja . to a . the gods memuja dewa-dewa . 2 mencintai , cinta akan (s .o) . 3 Inf . : suka . I a . coca-cola Saya suka sekali coca-cola . 4 menyembah . O come , lets us a . Him Marilah kita menyembahNya .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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