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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word lama:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
lama (Hebrew) : lema
lama 1 long (of duration) . 2 old , long standing .
lama : 1 long (of duration) . 2 old . LAMA-LAMA : finally , after a long time . SE- : during , as long as . SE-_-_-NYA : 1 forever . 2 at the longest . KE--AN : 1 eventually , in the end . 2 to run late or be a long time , be overtaken by lateness .
lama : ancient
lama : classic
lama : distant
lama : duration
lama : elder
lama : interminable
lama : long
a long time : lama
abiding : abadi , lestari , tahan lama .
acquaintanceship 1 perkenalan . an a . of long standing perkenalan yang lama . 2 pengetahuan . an a . whith several languages pengetahuan dengan beberapa bahasa
aging kb menyimpan lama , memeram . ks sudah lanjut usia , menjadi tua .
ago yang lalu / lampau , silam . two years a . dua tahun yang lalu . --kk . dulu , dahulu . He took the course long a . Sudah lama berselang ia mengikuti kuliah itu .

Indonesian dictionary

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