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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word law:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
law , procedure based on Islam : hukum syarak
law , procedure based on Islam : syarak
law 1 hukum . 2 dalil . 3 alat-alat hukum , polisi . 4 undang-undang . law-abiding ks . yang patuh pada hukum . l . court pengadilan (hukum) , kantor pengadilan . l . enforcement pelaksanaan hukum .
law : hukum
law : hukum , undang-undang , peraturan adat .
law : hukum ; undang ; undang-undang
law : kanun
law : peraturan
law : undang-undang
law based on muslim theology : fikah
absorption law : hukum penyerapan
accessory (j -ries) 1 barang tambahan , alat ekstra .2 Law : kaki tangan .
adat 1 custom , tradition . 2 customary law . 3 manners , proper behavior .
advocate 1 penyokong , penganjur . an a . of socialism penyokong sosialisme .2 Law : pengacara . menganjurkan , menyokong . She advocates building more schools Ia menganjurkan supaya dibangun lebih banyak s .
afoul , kk . berbentur , berlanggar , bertabrakan , terlibat . to run a . of the law mendapat kesukaran dengan hukum .

Indonesian dictionary

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