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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word lagi:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
lagi / kembali anew
lagi 1 . 1) again . 2) still , further . 3) still (when it shoul not be so) . 4) (with negatives) any more , any longer . 5) more , else , other . 6) as well (as) . 2 . be in the process of .
lagi : 1 again . 2 still , more . 3 else , other . 4 as well (as) .
lagi : again
lagi : again , one more time .
lagi : anew
lagi : eloquent
lagi : more
lagi : see LAGI1 (again , still , more . .) LAGI2 (be in the process of . .) .
lagi : to be in the process of doing
abandoned 1 yang ditinggalkan . an a . house or ship rumah atau kapal yang ditinggalkan . 2 yang dibuang . an a . child anak yang dibuang , anak yang tak diurus lagi .
add 1 menjumlahkan . 2 menambahkan . 3 mengatakan lagi , menyambung .
additional : lagi ; tambahan
additional tambahan , ekstra . an a . room tambahan kamar . There is no a . charge for spare parts Tidak ada ongkos tambahan untuk onderdil . a . reason alasan lagi .
afresh (sekali) lagi . Well start a . Kita akan mulai (sekali) lagi

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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