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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word keras:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
keras (kayu) : ebony
keras / kasar / kejam rough
keras 1 hard (not soft) . 2 solid state . 3 tight , not flexible , taut . 4 strong . 5 hard (with effort) . 6 gruff (speech , attitude) . 7 loud (voice , etc .) . 8 stern , stringent (measures) . 9 seriously .
keras : 1 hard (as opposed to soft) . 2 loud (of a sound) . 3 harsh . MENG- : to harden . MENG--KAN , MEMPER- : 1 harden or strengthen s .t . or s .o . 2 to amplify (a sound) . KE--AN : hardness , loudness , harshness , violence .
keras : austere
keras : coarse
keras : dour
keras : drastic
keras : hard
keras : hardy
abstemious bebas dari minuman keras
acquisitive 1 tamak , serakah . He is very a . Ia tamak sekali . 2 keras / gigih untuk memperoleh s .s .t .
activa 1 aktip , gesit , giat , bersemangat . 2 ikut giat . 3 hidup , masih bekerja ,aktip . 4 cepat menjalar , giat . 5 keras , kuat . 6 aktip . 7 giat , ramai .
adamant : keras hatinya
adamant : keras kepala

Indonesian dictionary

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  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
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