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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word tears:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
tears : air mata
tears : airmata
tears : bercarik-carik
air mata buaya crocodile tears
air mata tears
berlinang air mata fill with tears
crocodile buaya . c . tears airmata buaya , kesedihan yang dibuat-buat . to weep c . tears pura-pura sedih .
filled with tears : bergenang
flood banjir , air bah (of tears , letters , etc) . 1 membanjiri . 2 mengaliri . 3 mengairi / menggenangi . 1 meluap . 2 membanjir . flood-stricken ks . dilanda banjir . -flooding kb . kebanjiran , membanj .
flow (for tears or sweat) : linang
jali-jali 1 grass which produces hard edible seeds : Jobs tears . 2 name of popular song of old Batavia
jelai 1 . 1) plant , Jobs tears . 2) barley . 2 . jam , jelly .
linang : trickle , drop (of tears , sweat , etc .) BER--AN : trickling with tears etc . --AN : a trickle BER--(2) : flow of (tears) .
linang trickle , drop (of tears , sweat , etc .) .
mata : 1 eye . 2 the focal point , center of s .t . 3 cutting edge of s .t . sharp . MATA-MATA : spy , detective . AIR-- : tears . --AIR : spring water , water source .

Indonesian dictionary

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