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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word barang:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
barang 1 . 1) goods , commodity . 2) article , object . 3) s .t . whose direct mention should be avoided (i .e . marijuana , genitals , etc .) . 4) baggage , luggage . 2 . any . 3 . more or less , approximately .
barang : 1 goods , commodities . 2 article , object . 3 baggage , luggage . BARANG-BARANG : 1 belongings . 2 goods , commodities .
barang : any . SEM- : any old , just any . SEM-AN : to do in an offhand manner .
barang : article
barang : commodity
barang : duff
barang : item
barang : matter
barang : more or less , approximately .
barang : see BARANG1 (goods , commodities , object . . . . .) BARANG2 (any . . . . .) BARANG3 (more or less , approximately . . . . .) .
accessory (j -ries) 1 barang tambahan , alat ekstra .2 Law : kaki tangan .
afterglow 1 cahaya yang tinggal sesudah s .s .t . barang yang bersinar hilang ; merah di langit sesudah matahari terbenam . 2 perasaan senang sesudah mengalami atau merasakan kesenangan
ahli / saudagar barang kuno antiquary
airlift sistim pengangkutan penumpang dan barang melalui udara ; biasanya ketempat yang hubungannya terputus atau sukar . mengangkut penumpang dan barang melalui udara .
amplasemen gerobak barang freight storage

Indonesian dictionary

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