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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word bring:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
bring (brought) 1 membawa . 2 mengambilkan 3 membawakan .4 mengajukan .to b . about 1 menghasilkan 2 menimbulkan . 3 menyebabkan . 4 mengadakan . to b . around 1 menginsyafkan , menyakinkan 2 menyadarkan . memba .
bring (upon) : datangkan
bring (upon) : datangkanlah
bring (upon) : mendatangi
bring (upon) ; come to : datangilah
bring , brought , carried by you : kaubawa
bring , carry along : bawakan
bring , carry along : bawakanlah
bring , carry along : membawa
bring , carry him : membawa-Nya
acara : 1 agenda . 2 program of activity . 3 . judicial procedure , jurisdiction . BER- : to be in session (of court , etc .) . MENG- : hand down (a court sentence) . MENG--I : begin the conversation . MENG--KAN : 1 place on the agenda . 2 . bring up .
adu 1 compete . 2 1) complain about , 2) sue , bring legal action . 3) inform , squeal , tell on , report . 3 . sleep (of royalty) .
advance or bring forward : mendahulukan
akrab : intimate , chummy , familiar with . BER--AN : be chummy with , be close to . MENG--KAN : bring close , strengthen (friendships , etc .) . KE--AN : 1 intimacy , familiarity .
aktualisir actualize , bring up to date .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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