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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word yard:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
yard (measure of length) : ela
yard (of house) ; page(s) : halaman
yard , compound , court : pekarangan
yard 1 halaman , pekarangan . back y . halaman belakang . 2 langsiran . freight y . langsiran kereta api barang . 3 yar .
yard : 1)pekarangan , halaman , langsiran , 2)unit ukuran ela .
yard : ela
yard : halaman
yard : perkarangan
yard ; compound ; (web)site : laman
yard yards
access jalan masuk .There is a to their yard Ada jalan masuk ke halaman mereka
amplasemen gerobak barang open depot yard
barang tekstil(meteran) yard goods
bengkel kapal angkatanlaut naval yard
bolt 1 baut . 2 grendel kunci . 3 gulungan kayu(h) , blok bahan untuk baju yang panjangnya 40 yard . 1 memalang . 2 menolak mendukung . meloncat , lari .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
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