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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word wife:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
wife (j . wives) istri . to take as a w . memperistri . She is his second w . Ia istrinya yang kedua
wife , housemate : orang rumah
wife : betina
wife : bini
wife : bini ; isteri ; orang rumah
wife : isteri
wife : istri
wife : orang rumah
wife : perempuan
wife and child : anak bini
adik 1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin . 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family . 3 form of address from husband to wife , boyfriend to girlfriend .
adik : 1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin . 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family (esp . first cousins) . 3 form of address from husband to wife , boyfriend to girlfriend . 4 form of address .
adinda 1 respectful form of address and reference to younger sibling or to a younger person of either sex , esp . 2 form of address to wife or female lover (more affectionate than adik) .
bekas 1 . 1) print , trace . 2)former (site , wife , etc .) . 3) ex , former . 4 used , second-hand . 2 . receptacle , container .
berwayuh have more than o . wife

Indonesian dictionary

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