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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word wheat:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
wheat : gandum
wheat flour : tepung terigu
wheat sheaf , sheaves : berkas gandum
wheat straw , wheat stalk : tunggul gandum
wheat terigu , gandum . w . belt daerah terigu / gandum . w . germ benih gandum .
wheatcake kue gandum / dadar / serabi
wheatear : burung oenanthe
wheaten : yang berasaskan daripada tepung gandum
wheatland tanah perladangan atau daerah gandum
wheatmeal : gandum tulen
a flat malaysian bread made from wheat : roti canai
ape-ape cake made from wheat flour
bulgur grain product made of the nutritious portions of wheat , bulgur .
embargo embargo , pembatasan perdagangan oleh undang-undang . to place an e . on the importation of wheat mengadakan larangan terhadap pemasukan gandum .
flour tepung . f . mill pabrik / gilingan tepung . wheat f . tepung terigu

Indonesian dictionary

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