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than : daripada
than ksam . dari , daripada . She is older t . I Ia lebih tua dari aku . I have more t . you Sya mempunyai lebih banyak daipada kamu .
thank : berterima kasih
thank : berterima kasih , syukur .
thank : menerima kasih
thank God : alhamdullilah
thank God : Shukor
thank thanks j . terima kasih . menyatakan terimakasih . to t . s .o . for s .t . menyatakan terimakasih kepada seseorang untuk sesuatu . thank-you ks . pernyataan terimakasih
thank you : makasih
thank you : terima kasih
adinda 1 respectful form of address and reference to younger sibling or to a younger person of either sex , esp . 2 form of address to wife or female lover (more affectionate than adik) .
alaihissalam (Islam) Upon him be peace (used after mention of o . of the prophets other than Muh .)
alaihissalam : upon Him be peace -- used after mentioning one of the prophets other than Mohammad
asal 1 . 1) origin , source . 2) beginning , cause . 2 . 1) provided that , as long as . 2) do s .t . for no good reason other than just to do it . 3) just be able to do the most important , basic thing and no more .
asal : ASAL1=1 origin , source . 2 beginning , cause . SE- : related . -NYA : originally , initially . BER- : 1 come from . 2 be descended from . --USUL : origins , source . ASAL2=1 provided that , as long as . 2 do s .t . for no good reason other than ju

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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