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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word talk:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
talk , discuss : berbicaralah
talk , speak : bercakap
talk , speech : omong
talk 1 percakapan . 2 pembicaraan , perbincangan . 3 ceramah . 4 omongan . 5 kabar angin , desas-desus . berbicara . talking-point kb . hal yang dibicarakan . talking-to kb . Inf . : teguran .
talk : berbicara
talk : berbicara , berbincang , bercakap , membicarakan ; percakapan , ucapan .
talk : berbincang
talk : berbual
talk : bercakap
talk : bercakap ; memperkatakan ; tutur
a lecture or talk : ceramah
aku : I (familiar first-person pronoun) . BER- : to use aku , to be familiar when talking to another . MENG- : 1 confess . 2 guarantee , promise . 3 claim to be . 4 consider as one's own . 5 always talk about oneself , boast about oneself .
andai : if -PUN : supposing that . _-_ : suppostition . SE-(NYA) , -NYA : supposing or suppose that . BER- : suppose . BER_-_ : suppose that s .t . might happen , talk hypothetically . -KAN : assuming MENG--KAN : suppose , assume . PENG--AN : suppostion ,
bantahan 1 protest , objection . 2 contradiction . 3 back talk . 4 protestation .
baru saja di sebut-sebut talk of the devil

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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