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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word spice:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
spice : rempah
spice paste : pes rempah
spice rempah-rempah , bumbu . membumbui , membubuhi rempah-rempah . -spiced ks . dibumbui . s . meat daging yang dibumbui .
spices : bumbu
spices : rempah
spices : rempah-rempah
a sprinkling ; spice mix : sepercik
door , archway ; a kind of spice ; a kind of fish : lawang
hongi punitive 17th-century expeditions by Dutch in the Moluccas to extirpate spice trees
kelabat fenugreek , aromatic seed used as a spice or medicine .
keluak the fruit of the kepayang tree used as a spice
kencur : greater galingale , a root crop resembling ginger , used as spice and medicine .
kencur greater galingale , a root crop resembling ginger , used as spice and medicine . masih bau-kencur still a virgin / still young and inexperience .
kepayang large tree which produces the spice keluwak
kepencong fruit of the kepayang tree used as spice

Indonesian dictionary

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