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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word spend:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
spend (spent) 1 mengeluarkan , membelanjakan (money) . 2 menghabiskan . 3 melewatkan (the week end) . 4 membuang-buang . 5 tinggal . 6 mempergunakan . mengeluarkan uang . -spent ks . 1 habis tenaga . 2 yan .
spend , celebrate 'hari raya' : berhari raya
spend : berbelanja
spend : berbelanja ; membelanjakan
spend : membelanjakan
spend hours : berjam-jam
spend the night : bermalam
spend the night : bermalamlah
spender pemboros
spending money : duit belanja
abis : see HABIS 1 finished , used up . 2 completed , concluded . 3 what do you expect? MENG--I : 1 end , finish (speech , etc .) 2 finish off , wipe out . 3 spend (time) . MENG--KAN : 1 finish (o .'s story , job , etc .) . 2 spend (time) . 3 use up , con
belanja : 1 expense , expenditure . 2 go shopping . BER- : 1 to shop , go shopping . 2 buy , purchase . MEM--KAN : spend s .t . -AN : items purchased . PEM--AN : financing . PER--AN : 1 expenses , budget . 2 financing .
berbelanja : spend
habis : 1 finished , used up . 2 completed , concluded . 3 completely . SE-_-_-NYA : to the utmost . MENG--KAN : 1 finish s .t . 2 spend (time) . 3 use up , consume , finish off . KE--AN : run out of , have no more left . PENG--AN : end , conclusion . MEN
inap : MENG- : to spend the night , stay overnight . PENG--AN : lodging for the night , an inn .

Indonesian dictionary

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