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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word shell:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
shell (turtle , snail) : cengkerang
shell 1 kulit (of a nut) . 2 (sea-) kerang . 3 rumah (of snail , turtle) . 4 selongsong (of cartridge) . 5 geranat . 6 tempurung , batok (of coconut) . 7 kerangka (of burned-out building) . 1 menguliti , me .
shell 1 [she shall] ia akan . 2 [she will] ia mau
shell : cengkerang
shell : kelompang
shell : kerang
shell : kulit
shell : letupan
shell : menceraikan
shell : menembak
baja 1 . 1) steel . 2) armor . 2 . fertilizer , manure . 3 . 1) mixture of oil and burnt coconut shell for blacening teeth . 2 dentifrice .
batok 1 coconut shell . 2 dry measure , about a litter .
bombardir mem-bombardir 1 bombard , shell , bomb . 2 appoint without regard for qualifications . 3 shower , bombard .
brondong : meM- = 1 . fire a volley ; 2 . shell , bombard peM-an = bombardment : jagung = popcorn .
cakera lingkaran shell bush for taker in

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
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