
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word reduce:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
reduce , lessen , (caused to) abate : diredakan
reduce , lessen , depreciate , devaluate : menyusutkan
reduce 1 mengurangi , menurunkan (price , fine) . 2 mengurangkan (a fraction) . 3 mereduksikan . berkurang . -reduced ks . yang diturunkan / dikurangi . -reducing kb . penurunan .
reduce : mengecilkan
reduce : mengurangkan
reduce : menurunkan
reduced level : aras laras
reduced mass : jisim terturun
reduced pressure : tekanan terturun
reduced sample space : ruang sampel terturun
cause it to abate , reduce , decrease , calm down ; ; consent to , allow , sanction it : meredakannya
cause to abate , reduce , decrease , calm down ; ; consent , allow , sanction : meredakan
decrease , lessen , reduce : kurangi
decrease , lessen , reduce it : mengurangkannya
halus : 1 refined , cultured . 2 soft , delicate , smooth . MENG--KAN , MEMPER- : 1 refine , touch up s .t . 2 reduce to fine particles . 3 make less blunt or crude (applied to bad news , rude language , etc .) KE--AN : 1 refinement . 2 gentleness . 3 dai

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

Welcome to the world's largest free Modern Online English to Indonesian dictionary & Online Indonesian to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Indonesian to English translation, English to Indonesian translation, or Numbers to Indonesian word conversion.

You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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