
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word raise:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
raise & ; fan tail feathers ; dance : mengigal
raise (hand) , extend : acung
raise (hand) , extend : acungkan
raise (hand) : mengacungkan
raise (hand) repeatedly : mengacung-acungkan
raise (level) : mempertingkatkan
raise , cause to arise : bangkitkanlah
raise , cause to arise : membangkitkan
raise , cause to arise ; resurrect : bangkitkan
raise , increase , become high(er) : meninggi
across jarak lintas . right a . persis , tepat , melewati . to get a . menjelaskan . to put a . membentangkan , menguraikan , mengutarakan . --across-the-board ks . untuk semua .an a .-the-board raise kenaikan untuk .
anggung lift , raise .
angkat 1 lift , raise . 2 take away , remove (esp . in petty commerce) . 3 (in set phrases) begin to do s .t .
angkat : 1 lift , raise . 2 take away , remove . 3 begin to do s .t . BER- : leave , depart , set out . BER--NYA : departure , leaving . MEMBER--KAN : dispatch , send . KEBER--AN : departure . PEMBER--AN : sending off , dispatch . MENG- : 1 lift (up) , ra
belur welt up (of skin) . ber-belur-belur harden into welts , raise up welts .

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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