
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word put:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
put (down) , park : meletak
put (put) 1 menaruh . 2 menanamkan (os money into s .t .) . 3 mengajukan (questions) . 4 menempatkan . 5 menyerahkan . 6 melempar(kan) . 7 mengatakan , menguraikan . 8 menaksir . 9 membubuhkan , menaruh .
Put , Libya : Put
put , place : bubuh
put , place ; add in writing : membubuh
put , place ; add in writing : membubuhi
put , place ; invest : taruh
put , place ; invest : taruhlah
put , place in : bubuhi
put , place on him : membubuhi-Nya
(cause to) put on : pakaikan
(cause to) put on : pakaikanlah
acak : SECARA- = at random -(2)AN = in disorder , chaos MENG- = mess up , put in disorder .
across jarak lintas . right a . persis , tepat , melewati . to get a . menjelaskan . to put a . membentangkan , menguraikan , mengutarakan . --across-the-board ks . untuk semua .an a .-the-board raise kenaikan untuk .
adu : compete . BER- : to compete , to confront or collide with s .t . ( also > RADU [for royalty] : to sleep) . MENG- : 1 to put s .t . up for competition or confrontation . 2 bump , hit against . PER--AN : contest , competition , confrontation . aduan s

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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