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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word movie:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
movie : filem
movie : film
movie : wayang gambar
movie gambar hidup , bioskop . Is there a good m . on ? Apakah ada pilem yang baik hari ini ? -movies j . gambar hidup . m . camera kamera pilem . m . theater gedung bioskop .
movie industry : industry perfileman
movie screen : layar panggung
movie star : bintang filem
movie theater : bioskop
movie theatre : bioskop
moviegoer pencandu / penonton bioskop
addict 1 pe(n)candu .Hes a drug a . Dia pe(n)candu obat bius . 2 pecandu . Shes a movie a . Dia pecandu bioskop . addicted ks . kecanduan , ketagihan .
adult (orang) dewasa , dewasawan , akil-balikh . She has grown into an a . Ia telah menjadi dewasa . --ks . dewasa . an a . movie / film pilem untuk orang dewasa . a . education pendidikan masyarakat .
bf (blue film) pornographic movie
bintang filem movie star
bioskop : movie theater

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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