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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word main:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
main , bermain , memainkan : play .
main , conglomerate company : syarikat induk
main , first , primary ; garfish ; born unlucky : julung
main 1 play . 2 engage in some (us . not quite respectable) . activity . 3 play (a show) . 4 do s .t . unthinkingly , needlessly . 5 have sex .
main : 1 play . 2 engage in some activity . 3 do s .t . needlessly . BER- : to play . BER-_-_ : to play around , goof around , to do s .t . all in fun . ME--KAN : play s .t . MEMPER--KAN : make a fool of s .o . , manipulate s .o . or s .t . PE- : player ,
main : besar
main : keutamaan
main : penting
main : pertama
main : raya
'make eyes' at s .o , flirt using eyes : main mata
absurdly : bukan main , secara mustahil .
absurdly bukan main
abysmal bukan kepalang . His ignorance is a . Kejahilannya bukan main
adi : 1 . -- DAYA : superpower . --KAWASI : force majeure . --KODRATI : the supreme power of GOD . --KUASA : superpower . --MARGA : super or main highway . --BUSANA : haute couture . 2 . splendid , highly valued .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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