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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word hit:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
hit , affect(ed) , come in contact ; undergo ; on-target , accurate ; must : kena
hit , beaten : dipalu
hit , strike ; increase : menokok
hit 1 pukulan (boxing , baseball) .2 sukses .3 suatu tindakan yg mengenai sasaran .-kkt . (hit) 1 memukul .2 mengenai .3 membentur , menabrak .1 Tenn . : masuk .2 terbentur .to h . at memukul .to h . back 1 memuk .
hit : balunan
hit : bantingan
hit : dipukul
hit : ditabrak
hit : godaman
hit : kena
about , concerning ; ; hit , affect : mengenai
accidentally hit ; offended : terpukullah
adu : compete . BER- : to compete , to confront or collide with s .t . ( also > RADU [for royalty] : to sleep) . MENG- : 1 to put s .t . up for competition or confrontation . 2 bump , hit against . PER--AN : contest , competition , confrontation . aduan s
bacok : MEM- = hit with a sharp edge ; cut with s .t
balunan : hit

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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