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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word delicate:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
delicate 1 lembut . a d . old lady seorang wanita tua yang lembut . 2 sulit . d . question pertanyaan yang sulit . 3 lekas tersinggung . She is very d . about such matters Ia merasa lekas tersinggung mengenai hal-
delicate : cantik
delicate : halus
delicate : halus , lembut , rumit , runcing .
delicate : lembut
delicate : seni
delicate in texture : gebu
delicatessen 1 toko makanan . 2 barang-baran makanan
delicatessen : kedai menjual makanan yang siap dimasak
delicatessen : makanan istimewa
amanah : BER-- : instruct , issue an order . MENG--I : deliver a speech , give advice . MENG--KAN : 1 . entrust , commit . 2 . instruct , order . 3 . delicate , set aside .
amanat : BER-- : instruct , issue an order . MENG--I : deliver a speech , give advice . MENG--KAN : 1 . entrust , commit . 2 . instruct , order . 3 . delicate , set aside .
cantik : delicate
enak / bagus delicate
halus 1 refined , cultured , sensitive . 2 soft , delicate , smooth (of skin , cloth , etc .) 3 unseen (of spirits) . 4 small . 5 finely pounded or granulated of flour , etc .) .

Indonesian dictionary

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