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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word cheap:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
cheap 1 murah . dress baju murah . 2 rendah , malu . I feel c . after that experience Saya merasa rendah sesudah pengalaman itu .
cheap : murah
cheap : murah , murah .
cheapen merendahkan . menjadi lebih murah , turun harganya . Canned foods have cheapened lately Makanan dalam kaleng turun harganya akhir-akhir ini .
cheapest : termurah
cheapjack : penjaja di pesta
cheapness 1 kemurahan . the c . of life kemurahan hidup . 2 kerendahan (harga) . the c . of rice murahnya beras
cheapskate Sl . : orang kikir
auction ; cheap sale : lelong
cepengan cheap , not worth much .
jinjing 1 . men-jinjing carry s .t . light in o .s hand . 2 . fast-growing tree that yields cheap lumber . 3 . ber-jinjing stand on tiptoes
kelumpang tall tree with malodorous flowers that yields soft , cheap wood .
kepuh 1 . 1) bulging (of briefcase , packet , etc .) . 2) billowing (of sails) . 2 . tree producing soft , cheap wood and striking flowers .
losmen : inn , cheap hotel .
losmen inn , cheap hotel .

Indonesian dictionary

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