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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word car:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
car , cart : kereta
car 1 mobil . c . wash a) cuci mobil . b) tempat cuci mobil . 2 kereta , gerbong , wahon . freight c . gerbong barang . pullman c . wahon yang bertempat tidur . c , park pelataran parkir .
car : kereta
car : mobil
car : motoka
car : motokar
car model : Civic
car name : Proton
car name : Proton Saga
car type : Premacy
a kind of car : Iswara
align meluruskan . to a . the wheels of the car meluruskan roda-roda mobil itu . : . bersekutu . This country aligned with that one during the war Negri ini bersekutu dengan negri itu selama perang
alongside 1 di sisi , di samping , sepanjang . He brought his boat a . the dock Ia menempatkan kapalnya di sisi galangan (kapal) 2 berdampingan dengan . He drove up a . the other car Ia mengendalikan mobilnya hin .
ample 1 banyak , luas .a .parking banyak tempat parkir . Theres a . room in this car Banyak tempat di mobil ini . 2 cukup . Do you have an a . supply of food? Adakah cukup persediaan makanan? .
antecedent , ks . kata atau bagian kalimat yang mendahului kata pengganti . In the phrase the car which I bought , car is the a . Dalam bagian kalimat the car which I bought , car adalah kata yang mendahul .

Indonesian dictionary

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