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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word tua:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
tua 1 old . 2 ripe . 3 head , chief . 4 pure . 5 dark (of color) .
tua : 1 old . 2 ripe . 3 dark (of a color) . MEN- : to become old , dark , or ripe . KE- : see KETUA . KE--AN : 1 age . 2 to be too old .
tua : ancient
tua : crock
tua : elder
tua : mature
tua : old
tua : ripe
tua : senior
tua aged
advanced ks 1 maju , teerdepan . 2 lanjutan , lebih maju dari yang lain . 3 telah lanjut , tua . 4 parah .
agak tua oldish
age 1 umur , usia .2 ketuaan , tua . 3 zaman , masa , abad . mempercepat menjadi tua , menuakan . : . 1 bertambah / menjadi tua . 2 menyimpan , menua .
aged kb 1 orang : orang yang sudah lanjut umurnya . 2 jompo . ks tua sekali , lanjut umurnya .
aging kb menyimpan lama , memeram . ks sudah lanjut usia , menjadi tua .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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