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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word tiang:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
tiang 1 pole , post , mast . tiang-bendera flagpole . tiang-pagar fence post . tiang-kapal ships mast . tiang-agung (Naut) main mast . tiang-gantungan gallows . tiang-salib a cross . 2 s .t . essential in an endeavor .
tiang : caber
tiang : collum
tiang : column
tiang : mast
tiang : pillar
tiang : pole
tiang : pole , post , mast . BER- : propped up , supported . MEN--I : provide with poles , posts .
tiang : post
tiang : prop
aloft diatas , tinggi . The seaman went a . Pelaut itu naik tiang layar .
atop di puncak , diatas . He sat a . a flagpole Ia duduk di puncak tiang bendera .
attached pier : tiang sambut
bar 1 batang . 2 potong . 3 palang . 4 halangan , penghalang . 5 bar . 6 Nav . : ambang sungai . 7 pekerjaan / golongan pengacara . 8 pengadilan . 9 kesatuan irama , balok . 10 tiang .-kd . kecuali .
beam 1 balok , tiang . 2 sorotan . 3 lebar (kapal) . 4 sinar . mengarahkan (siaran) . bercahaya , berseri-seri . -beamed ks . bertiang . -beaming ks . berseri-seri (face) .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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