
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word though:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
though : bagaimanapun
though : meskipun
though : sungguhpun
though : walaupun
though lebih dulu . I hit him but he hit me first t . Aku memukulnya , tapi ia memukul aku lebih dulu . -ksam . mesdkipun , walaupun . T . he knew better , he . . . Meskipun ia tahu itu salah , Ia . . . . .
thought (about) : difikirkan
thought (about) : dipikirkan
thought (thru) ; counted , regarded as : dikira
thought 1 pikiran , gagasan , ide . I have a good t . Aku mempunyai pikiran yang baik . 2 pemikiran . 3 perhatian . thought-provoking ks . yang menimbulkan pikiran (data) . -kk . sedikit . Be a t . more polite Agak l .
thought : buah fikiran
akan : 1 will , about to (particle marking future events) . 2 about , regarding . _-_ : equally true . SE-_-_ : as if , as though . MENG- : aim , strive for . MENG--KAN : suppose . KE--AN : the future , futurity . -AN : horizon .
apocope apokope , penghilangan bunyi , huruf , atau suku pada satu perkataan , mis . : tho dari though .
as though : seakan
as though : seakan-akan
as though : seakan-akan ; seolah-olah

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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