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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word tadi:Hear the English word audio
[Click the audio icon to hear the pronunciation of English words.]

Did you mean : taxi Hear the English word audio aid Hear the English word audio add Hear the English word audio tap Hear the English word audio tax Hear the English word audio tail Hear the English word audio bad Hear the English word audio mad Hear the English word audio pad Hear the English word audio

Close Match and Related Words
tadi 1 a while ago , some time ago . 2 this (morning , evening , etc .) just past , last (night) , this past (two , three , etc . oclock) . 3 the o . from a while ago , the aforementioned .
tadi : 1 a while ago . 2 this (morning , etc .) , last (night) , this past (two , three o'clock , etc .) . 3 the one from a while ago . -NYA : formerly , just before , a little while ago .
tadi : before , a little while ago , earlier on .
tadi a short time ago
tadi a while ago
tadi earlier
tadi malam last night
tadika : kindergarten
tadinya / dahulu formerly
tadinya formely , just befor .
a short time ago : tadi
a while ago : tadi
aforementioned tersebut (diatas , dimuka , tadi) . the a . were present Yang tersebut tadi hadir . the a . paragraph ayat yang tersebut diatas .
ahem kseru . deham , daham , . ( membunyikan kerongkongan untuk membersihkan atau untuk menarik perhatian) . A . , I say there Hm , saya katakan tadi .
caucus rapat anggota-anggota partai politik . mengadakan rapat . The striking group caucused this morning Para pemogok tadi pagi mengadakan rapat

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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