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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word silam:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
silam 1 . 1) set (of the sun) . 2) ago , of the past . 2 . see SELAM 1 .
silam : 1 the set of s .t . (as of the sun) . 2 ago , in the past . MENY- : vanish , disappear . MENY--KAN : to darken .
silam : bygone
ago yang lalu / lampau , silam . two years a . dua tahun yang lalu . --kk . dulu , dahulu . He took the course long a . Sudah lama berselang ia mengikuti kuliah itu .
ahli fossil dan masa silam paleontologist
bygone : silam
bygone hal yang sudah-sudah . Let bygones be bygones Jangan bicarakan hal yang sudah-sudah . ks . silam . in b . days pada zaman yang silam
past : lepas ; masa lalu ; masa silam ; sudah-sudah
past : masa silam
past ; overcast , dark , gloomy : silam
past age : zaman silam
ranah kewaktuan silam past temporal region
the past : silam

Indonesian dictionary

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