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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word saudara:Hear the English word audio
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saudara 1 brother , sister , cousin of same generation . 2 relative (us . of same generation) . 3 formal term of address for s .o . of same age group or younger with whorm o . is nor acquainted . 4 afterbirth . 5 term .
saudara : 1 brother , sister , cousin of the same generation . 2 relative . 3 term of address for s .o of same approximate age as speaker or general term of address in official situations . BER- : to be siblings or related . PER--AN : relationship , frien
saudara : brethren
saudara : kin
saudara : relative
saudara : relative(s)
saudara : you
saudara angkat laki-laki foster brother
saudara brother
saudara ipar perempuan sister-in-law
akin 1 bersanak , berhubungan darah . Your cousins are a . to you Saudara sepupumu adalah sanakmu . 2 sama (dengan) . Girls are a . in their love of dancing Gadis-gadis adalah sama dalam kesukaannya berdansa .
amenable 1 setuju dengan , menyetujui , menerima . Ill go along if you are a . to the conditions Saya akan menyetujui kalau saudara menerima syarat-syaratnya . 2 dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan .
anak dari saudara sepupu second cousin
anak saudara lelaki : nephew
anak saudara perempuan : niece

Indonesian dictionary

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