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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word sama:Hear the English word audio
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Did you mean : same Hear the English word audio sea Hear the English word audio sad Hear the English word audio saw Hear the English word audio say Hear the English word audio dam Hear the English word audio jam Hear the English word audio ram Hear the English word audio sum Hear the English word audio

Close Match and Related Words
sama . seperti as as
sama 1 . same , equal . 2 . 1) together , with . 2) and . 3) do together , also do . 4) regarding (an all-purpose preposition) . 5) plural marker of adjectives .
sama : (also see SAMARATA , SAMARENDAH) SAMA1=same , equal . SAMA-SAMA : exactly the same ; (response to thank you ) . SE- : fellow , peer . BER--AN : 1 be equal to e .o . 2 be in conformity with . 3 resembling , similar . MENY- : behave like . MENY--I :
sama : alike
sama : concurrent
sama : congruent
sama : correspond
sama : equal
sama : equivalent
sama : even
(to) one another : satu sama lain
absolutely 1 sama sekali , betul , benar . 2 memang .
absolutely : sama sekali , memang , dengan mutlak .
abut kki . (abutted) berbatas kepada , berbatasan . The two yards a . upon e .o . Dua halaman itu berbatasan satu sama lain .
adalah sama be the same

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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