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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word sakit:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
sakit 1 ill , sick , sickness . 2 sore , painful . 1 be ill . 2 in pain . 3 illness , sickness . 4 hardship , misery , trouble .1 disease , illness . 2 trouble . 3 bad habit .
sakit : 1 ill , sick . 2 sore , painful . MENY--I : hurt , offend . MENY--I , MENY--KAN : to hurt , make painful or ill . KE--AN : 1 illness , pain . 2 to be afflicted with illness or pain . PENY- : disease , sickness , illness . BERPENY- : to suffer a di
sakit : ache
sakit : anguish
sakit : hurt
sakit : ill
sakit : offend
sakit : pain
sakit : sick
sakit ache
(have) epilepsy : sakit ayan
abate kki . 1 (me)reda . The storm abated Angin ribut (me)reda . 2 mengurang , berkurang . The pain abated Sakitnya mengurang . Perasaan sakit itu berkurang .
ache 1 sakit . 2 rindu . 3 ingin sekali
ache : sakit
aching sakit , sakit-sakitan . a . back punggung yang sakit .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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