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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word saja:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
saja 1 only , nothing else than . 2 just , only (as the best thing under the circumstances) . 3 exactly , name the things , people , etc . (with interrogative words) . 4 just , exactly . 5 just , alone . 6 emphasizing .
saja : 1 only , just , exactly . 2 nevertheless .
saja : only , just .
saja dua baris distich
saja just
saja only
saja-saja : spec
sajadah (Islam) prayer rug
sajak / ayat verse
sajak 1 poem , verse , lyrics . 2 rhyme .
about 1 kira-kira .2 hampir .3 baru saja mau .4 dimana-mana .5 disana-sini .6 kesana-sini
ada-ada saja always something else
admissible 1 dpt diterima .2 boleh masuk .Only adult are a .to that club Hanya orang-orang dewasa saja yg boleh masuk klab itu
adventurer 1 petualang , avonturir . 2 orang yg suka berspekulasi (mengadu untung) . 3 prajurit yg bersedia menggabungkan dirinya pada tentara mana saja yg menawarkan bayaran yg paling tinggi .
affectation pura-pura , sok aksi , dibuat-buat . Thats an a . on her part Ia pura-pura saja . Itu hanya dibuat-buat saja .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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