
Indonesian dictionary

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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word please:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
please (invitational) : sila
please , go ahead : silahkan
please , go ahead : silakan
please . . . (invitational) : silalah
please : bersukaan
please : dengan senang
please : ditolong
please : mempersilakan
please : menolong
please : menyenangkan
amiss , kk . keliru , salah . I hope nothing is a . Saya harap tak ada yang keliru . Please dont take this a . Harap supaya hal ini jangan diteima salah .
another 1 yang lain . Please give me a . banana , I dont like this one Berilah saya pisang yang lain , saya tak suka yang ini . 2 satu lagi . Please give me a . banana ; Ive eaten this o . Berilah saya pisang sa .
any way (you) please , according to (your) desires , as (you) like : sesuka hati
anyone kg . 1 siapapun . A . can do it Siapapun dapat melakukan itu . 2 siapa saja , seseorang . Please let a . have it Berikanlah kepada siapa saja . ANYBODY .
apalah 1 please . 2 what does it amount to ? (Nothing !)

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

Welcome to the world's largest free Modern Online English to Indonesian dictionary & Online Indonesian to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Indonesian to English translation, English to Indonesian translation, or Numbers to Indonesian word conversion.

You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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