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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word muka:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
muka 1 face . 2 front . 3 page , side . 4 surface . 5 upcoming . 6 face , reputation .
muka : 1 face . 2 front . 3 surface . SE- : have the same appearance as . MENGE--KAN : suggest , propose , put foreward . TERKE- : foremost . PE- : leader , promoter . PER--AN : surface .
muka : facade
muka : face
muka : front
muka : surface
muka : terrain
muka bawah : underside
muka bersahaja : poker-face
muka bulat : rotund
'lose face' , be shamed , regarded as foolish : hilang muka
'lose face' , be shamed , regarded as foolish : kehilangan muka
advance , deposit : wang muka
advance 1 kemajuan . 2 kenaikan , penaikan .3 cumbu-cumbuan , cumbuan , rayuan .4 persekot , uang muka . --ks . 1 yg dulu , terdahulu , dimuka .2 sebelumnya . 1 memajukan . 2 mempercepat , mendahulukan . 3 membe .
advance : uang muka

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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