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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word marah:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
marah / berkulit keras crusty
marah / gila mad
marah / sehat crabbed
marah 1 angry . 2 anger , fury . 3 become angry .
marah : 1 anger . 2 be angry . ME--KAN : to make angry . KE--AN : 1 anger . 2 to be in an angry state . PE- : s .o . given to anger , quick tempered . .
marah : angry
marah : bilious
marah : chide
marah : crabbed
marah : cross
anger marah , kemarahan , amarah , murka , keberangan , kegusaran . His a . showed on his face Marahnya tampak pada (air) mukanya . memarahkan , membuat marah . His reply angered the traffic cop . Jawabnya .
angry 1 marah , gusar , naik darah . Why are you so a .? Mengapa kau begitu marah? a . at / with marah pada / dgn . 2 besar . Thats an a . sore you have on your thigh Itu luka besar yang ada di pahamu . 3 bergejola .
angry : geram ; gusar ; marah ; murka ; radang
angry : marah
become angry : naik marah

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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