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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word mana:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
mana 1 . 1) where . 2) which , which person . 3) how (can it be) . 4) what kind , which kind . 2 . particle preceding a list of problems o . is facing .
mana : 1 where . 2 which . 3 how can it be . 4 what type or kind . MANA-MANA : everywhere , anywhere .
mana : mana
mana : manna
mana : pati kesakitan
mana see MAKNA
mana suka optional
mana where
manacle : belenggu
manacle : gari
ada dimana mana ubiquitous
adventurer 1 petualang , avonturir . 2 orang yg suka berspekulasi (mengadu untung) . 3 prajurit yg bersedia menggabungkan dirinya pada tentara mana saja yg menawarkan bayaran yg paling tinggi .
any 1 apa saja , yang mana saja , sembarang saja . 2 satu atau beberapa (dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan) .3 sedikit . 4 lagi . --kg . sesuatu .
anywhere : barang di mana
anywhere : di mana pun

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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