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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word malam:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
malam 1 . 1) evening , night . 2) the night an event takes place . 3) (preceding the name of a day) . 4) following the name of a day) . 2 . wax , paraffin .
malam : eve
malam : eventide
malam : late evening , night .
malam : malam1 = wax . malam2 = night . -NYA : last night . SE- : 1 a night , one night . 2 last night . BER- : to spend the night . KE--AN : to be overtaken by night . SE-_-_-AN : the whole evening or night .
malam : night
malam : nocturnal
malam : nocturne
malam demi malam night by night
malam derma fancy fair
(both) day and night : siang malam
a kind of plant with flowers fragrant at night : sundal malam
acara hiburan klab malam floor show
after dark : waktu malam
afterdark waktu malam , pada malam hari . A . rides are prohibited Mengendarai kendaraan pada malam hari dilarang .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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