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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word kopi:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
kopi 1 . coffee . 2 . copy , draft .
kopi : coffee
kopi : copy of s .t . , a draft . MENGK- : to make a copy of s .t .
kopi : see KOPI1 (coffee . .) KOPI2 (copy of s .t . .)
kopi arabica digongseng roasted arabica
kopi arabica tidak digongseng unroasted arabica
kopi arabica tidak digongseng unroasted-arabica coffee
kopi bubuk ground coffee
kopi coffee
kopi es iced coffee
apology (j . -gies) 1 permintaan maaf . Please accept my apologies Terimalah permintaan maaf saya . 2 pengganti yang tidak seimbang . One cup of coffee is only an a . for breakfast Semangkok kopi hanyalah peng
aroma bau harum . the a . of coffy bau harum kopi
black coffee : kopi o
bubuk kopi coffee powder
cafe , cafe 1 restoran , rumah makan . 2 warung kopi .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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