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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word kembali:Hear the English word audio
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kembali 1 return , revert to . 2 once again . 3 you are welcome . 4 change (of money) .
kembali : 1 return , revert to . 2 once again . 3 you're welcome . 4 change (of money) . MENG--KAN : return s .t . -AN : pocket change .
kembali : return
kembali : return , again ; don't mention it .
kembali back
kembali backed
kembali be back
kembali bekerja back to course
kembali bersemangat perk up
kembali bersemangat perked up
abrogate : menarik kembali , mencabut , memansuhkan .
again 1 lagi , sekali lagi , kembali .Its nice to see you a . Senang sekali bertemu lagi dengan kamu .2 pula , lagi .Try a . Coba lagi . 3 juga .
agonize kki . menderita sekali . to a . over the matter menderita sekali karena hal itu . an agonizing reappraisal penilaian kembali yang terasa sebagai azab
air yang kembali berputar back wash
aliran air kembali reflow

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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